Enterprise security challenges heightened by WFH spike: Study

Traditional approaches to securing the network are amplifying challenges in the face of budget constraints and…

Consumers’ COVID-19 outlook, optimism and preferences vary greatly across generations and geographies: Study

Safexpress: Bouncing Back Safely

No doubt COVID pandemic has ravaged economies not to mention businesses. But organizations are slowly but…

Alternative payments emerge as mainstream amid COVID-19 in India: Study

Alternative payments have gained significant prominence among the online shoppers in India with mobile and digital…

Life & Pensions: A new distribution paradigm?

Phishing attacks have multiplied since the start of COVID-19, leaving companies more vulnerable and strapped for time: Study

The frequency of phishing threats has risen considerably throughout the last few months, with companies experiencing…

75% of CEOs will be personally liable for cyber-physical security incidents by 2024: Gartner

Liability for cyber-physical security incidents will pierce the corporate veil to personal liability for 75% of…

Despite pandemic’s devastating impact, world’s smallest companies are bullish about the future: Survey

24 of top 25 publicly traded global retailers saw y-o-y revenue growth in 2019: Study

Fiscal 2019 appeared to be quite fruitful year as all but one of the top 25…

DPRK-aligned threat actor targeting cryptocurrency vertical with global hacking campaign: Study

An attack against an organization working in the cryptocurrency vertical has been linked to Lazarus Group…