Nearly 50% of India’s working women are feeling increased stress due to the pandemic: Survey

Cultural misalignment and poor vendor advice among top reasons for digital transformation derailment: Study

As digital transformation spend is increasing around the world, businesses look for technology vendors whose ethics…

IT pros gained confidence, new skills amidst pandemic: Survey

Nearly two-thirds (64%) of surveyed IT pros were instilled with a new sense of confidence, despite…

Rapidly changing regulatory landscape pushing wealth and asset management firms to turn to regtech specialists

The rapidly changing regulatory landscape is pushing wealth and asset management companies to turn to specialist…

82% Indian citizens want digital health id provided it does not store sensitive personal data

The National Health Authority has come out with a draft National Health Data Management Policy which…

DDoS attacks against educational resources grew exponentially in first half of 2020: Study

For each month from January to June 2020, the number of DDoS attacks affecting educational online…

More than 7 in 10 C-level executives expect revenue decrease due to COVID-19: Survey

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, a majority of C-level executives (72%) foresee a moderate or severe decrease…

Balancing security, privacy and convenience in the enterprise space

Privacy paradox is an interesting term. It attempts to describe the contradictory behavior displayed by online…

Majority of organizations struggling to reach application delivery requirements with their existing infrastructure: Study

80% of organizations are struggling to reach application delivery requirements with their existing infrastructure, according to…

Cyber fraudsters spreading fake TikTok app to steal user credentials: Study

With countries across the globe mulling ban on TikTok, a popular social media app, cyber fraudsters…