What brought you here won’t take you there

What is the point of creating great products if you cannot serve the customers properly who…

Harish Manwani, Former Global Chief Operating Officer, Unilever

Stretching the data

Shri Gaur Gopal Das, Life Coach

Prakash Iyer, Former Managing Director, Kimberly-Clark Lever

The 3 D Dilemma

The inevitable data confluence

This is the third viewpoint in this series on data and its idiosyncrasies. We have looked…

Air India data breach exposes India’s cybersecurity deficiencies

The country’s national carrier, Air India, recently disclosed an infringement on its passenger service system that…

IT organizations shifting to intelligent, zero trust models to accommodate future of work: Study

Implementing security used to be simple: Build a perimeter and protect the resources inside. But as…

Testing times

Only two things have helped during this pandemic wave. The first is people’s willingness to help.…